Artists of the Month: Lori & Jeremy Goldman

By March 3, 2023 April 4th, 2023 Artist of the Month, Foundry Artists

Briarhook Farm Ceramics

Artists: Jeremy and Lori Goldman

“We are the Briarhook Farm ceramic artists. Both of us were trained in pottery/ predominantly wheel work beginning as young adults in high school followed by more intensive education in college. After a long pause from ceramics while we both pursued other art mediums and our chosen professional careers, we came back to ceramics in 2018. We put together our home studio approximately 5 years ago after a period of contemplation in which we decided that we wanted to have a studio and that there was no reason to wait until retirement or otherwise for this enjoyment. We sourced our equipment, opting for a premier potter’s wheel and found other items on various sites.

We collaborate on all of the pottery. We each have our favorite shapes/ things to “throw” and we assist each other in the entire process: making, adding decorations or handles, loading the kiln, bisque and glazing, and the final glaze firing. It is always exciting to open a glaze firing and see the resultant finished pottery!  All pieces are stoneware, high fire, oven, microwave, dishwasher safe.

We hope our pottery gives as much joy to everyone as it does to us!”

Check out Lori & Jeremy’s pottery on display and for sale at The Foundry in March and year round!